Example Python Scripts
If you are interested in constructing your own text-based measures, see a programming guide here:
Additional Measures of Uncertainty
For additional measures of aggregate economic policy uncertainty and other useful indices please visit
Interesting Applications of our Measures
"The Global Impact of Brexit Uncertainty" by Hassan, Hollander, van Lent, and Tahoun
"Firm-level Political Risk and Credit Markets" by Gad, Nikolaev, Tahoun, and van Lent
"Macroeconomic effects of political risk shocks” by Hacioglu Hoke
"Follow the Money" by Grotteria
"Is Firm-level Political Exposure Priced?" by Gorbatikov, van Lent, Naik, Sharma, and Tahoun
Work in Progress
"Tax Policy Uncertainty" by Gallemore, Hollander, Jacob, and Zheng
"Country Risk" by Hassan, Schreger, Schwedeler, and Tahoun
"Firm-level climate change exposure" by Sautner, van Lent, Vilkov, and Zhang (data link)